Dear all,
Opcare provide Posture and Mobility Services (wheelchair services) in Kirklees and Calderdale. The Clinical Commissioning Group (who fund the service) are undertaking a review and would welcome your to views to develop and improve wheelchair services in the future.
Healthwatch are working with the Clinical Commissioning Group to gather feedback from people who use Opcare’s wheelchair services and from staff who work with people who access Opcare’s services.
You may have recently completed a similar survey for Healthwatch – don’t worry, the feedback you have already given will still be considered as part of the review but you are welcome to complete this survey too if there is anything additional or new you would like to say.
Please note that any views you share will remain confidential, and no personal information will be shared, so feel free to talk to us openly. Anonymised comments may be used in Healthwatch reports and other communications. You can leave your contact details at the end if you would like Healthwatch to contact you about your experience.
Closing date – Friday 3 November 2017. A summary of the data and feedback collected will be made available on the Healthwatch Kirklees website before the end of December 2017.
Access the survey here: