Max Card

Max Card is a discount card scheme which aims to make days out more affordable for children who are fostered and for children and young people up to age 25 who have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).  It is valid at over 240 venues across the UK.  

The Max Card lasts approximately two years from receipt and there are no limitations on who can use the card with your child (i.e. A care assistant or other family member can accompany your child).   The card belongs to the child/young person so on receipt please put their name on the back.

Each venue offers their own personal discounts for Max Card holders.  Further information about Max Card and all discounts are clearly stated on the Max Card website . Have a look and see if this could be useful for your family. PCAN supplies Maxcards for children and young people with SEND up to age 25 in Kirklees.

To be eligible for a card, your child/children must have Special Educationl Needs and Disabilities (SEND) or be a foster child.


If you would like to receive a MAX Card,  please complete form below and make your payment through the bank. 

Please make a payment of £6.20 to the account details below, and we will post the card out to you. This includes £4.20 for the card + an extra £2 to cover our costs* (2nd class stamp (85p), stationery, admin time).  If you have more than one child with additional needs, you can purchase more than one card (If you buy them at the same time, you only need to pay for the extra card @ £4.20 and pay one lot of P&P).  If you need your child’s card in a hurry, please add a further 80p to get it sent first class (total £7.00). Sadly the cost of a first class stamp is £1.65!

Please ensure that you put your name as the reference when making the online payment so we know who the payment is from. You can either complete and submit the information below so we know where to send the card once you’ve made your payment, or send us an email with the same information to (Please ensure that your address details are fully complete).

(Please remember to send the form or email as we often receive payments but don’t know where to send them – thanks)

Our bank details are:

Account Name:  PCAN

Sort Code: 30-94-43

Account Number: 46199368

*Please note that PCAN is offering a service to families of children and young people with SEND in Kirklees by purchasing, stocking and selling on these cards.  We have to buy in 80 at a time, pay up front and stock them – and do not  make a profit from them.  Our additional charge of £2 covers our cost of envelopes, second class stamps and admin time for processing the orders.