Kirklees ASD Forum Meetings
My name is Gary Wainwright along with Ian Smith we are Kirklees council lead officers for the implementation of the Kirklees ASD Strategy (see here for copy)
A steering group has been set up to help support the implementation of the strategy. At the last meeting it was agreed we needed to set up a forum in which we engage with people with ASD and carers to make sure your views are heard. I have attached the dates for the two planned meetings in 2012. Could everyone please let me know if they can attend so I can ensure the facilities are appropriate and refreshments available.
I would welcome your views on how best we plan the forum meetings? The Strategy has an action plan, we could present an overview of the progress we have made so far? We could then have small group discussions around each action in the action plan and collect your views on what is important to you? Please let me know your views, I want to make the forum meetings meaningful, useful and to make sure your views are heard.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards
Gary Wainwright
Partnership Commissioning Manager Learning Disabilities
Wellbeing (Adults) & Communities,
Personalisation & Commissioning,
3rd Floor, Gateway to Care,
30 Market Street,
Phone 07968 994605
Short code 01069
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