Specialist Autism Services Kirklees

SAS provide specialist services supporting adults with Autism and Asperger’s syndrome. They are currently based at the Methodist Mission on Lord Street in the center of Huddersfield. SAS have been operating from this site for the last three years and as from the New Year they will have acquired their own premises.

There are currently two aspects to our service – support for individuals with high functioning Autism and Asperger’s and individuals with a dual diagnosis (Learning disability and Autism/Asperger’s).

If you would like any further information regarding their serviceplease do not hesitate to contact Linda.

Linda Langstafff
email – linda.langstaff@specialistautismservices.org
Service Co-ordinator
Specialist Autism Services
– 0113 2775656

You can also download their Flier, brochure and referral form.

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