We have heard from Ann Brown, Director for CAMHS with the following updates:
SWYFT designed a recovery plan for the service which has now been fully signed up to by Commissioners and Local Authority Senior managers.
They have started to fast track a number of cases and are intending to write/contact those families who are currently on the CAMHS waiting list (prior to April 1st ) to give them an indication of current waiting times and to let them know when they can expect to be seen. They are hoping to offer a significant number of appointments starting from May to address the waiting list but this will be done in order of priority based on length of time waiting and current presenting risks.
The PDA discussions are ongoing with Commissioners and the Trust offers big thank you for the information that has been kindly forwarded on following the recent engagement events.
SWYFT is also arranging recruitment training for any parents/carers /young people that want to be involved in recruiting CAMHS staff. If anyone is interested can you please contact PCAN on 07754102336 or with your details so the Trust can get an event organised.
Another offer is a session run by the Trust’s pharmacy department and Consultant Psychiatrists relating to prescribed medications for conditions, offering information and advice. If you are interested in this they can also look at arranging a training event. If there are any particular areas that you would like to be included (for example medication related to ADHD) please contact PCAN. (It is not about individual cases but more of a training event).
SWYFT are planning to put a newsletter out with more information towards the end of April.