Have your say about the future of health services in North Kirklees

North Kirklees CCG plans, buys and monitors local health services on behalf of its population.   As part of their planning process they need to identify the service areas they will be focusing on for next year.

Like most Clinical Commissioning Groups, North Kirklees must ensure it meets increasing demand for healthcare against a budget that will remain largely unchanged.

In order to do this, they will have to focus their efforts on areas of greatest need/priority and will also consider how they can deliver health services in different, more innovative ways.

To inform their decision-making, they are keen to hear the views of local residents, patients, carers and stakeholder/partner organisations. To give you the opportunity to share your views with they are holding an event on:

Wednesday 28th January 2015 at 1.30pm – 3.30pm at Batley Town Hall 

Please book online at http://helpshapeourplans.eventbrite.co.uk

 For any further queries contact zubair.mayet@nhs.net. If you are unable to attend the event, they would appreciate if you could take the time to complete this short survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CommIntent . The views collated from the surveys will be used to develop the discussions at the event, being held on the 28th January 2015.

Also representatives from PCAN will be attending so if you’d rather we pass on your comments/view, please email us at info@pcankirklees.org.

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