Launch of newly designed Kirklees Local Offer

The Kirklees Local offer should give families of children of special educational needs and disabilities (aged 0-25) useful information across the many subjects they need to find out about.

Parents told us that the previous Local Offer was not well designed, was hard to navigate and there was lots of information missing. We fed this back to the Kirklees Council. Kirklees Council joined up with PCAN and members in summer 2020 to re-design the site for parents and carers, and they are currently working with young people to design a section of the site for them.

The site was launched in December and is a huge improvement on the last one. Please check out the information video below.

To give feedback, there is a survey on the Homepage of the Local Offer, an email address you can contact and a simple like/don’t like symbol at the bottom of each page with the chance to make a comment. Feedback will make the Local Offer better for everyone so don’t by shy! There is a great Local Offer team working in the background who will respond to comments.

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