PCAN AGM and Big Meet Up 17th November 2022

Hi folks, it’s that time again when PCAN will be hosting our Big Meet Up with guest speakers from Kirklees Council and an update on PCAN’s activities.

As a registered charity, we need to hold an Annual General Meeting(AGM) for our members every year. This year the AGM will take place at the Big Red Suite at the John Smith’s Stadium at 1.45 pm on 17th November 2022 and as usual we will share what PCAN has been working on. We will also have two speakers from Kirklees Council who will talk about planned improvements to educational provision in Kirklees and answer questions – Jo-Anne Sanders (Service Director for Learning and Early Support) and Kelsey Clark-Davies (Head of Educational Safeguarding and Inclusion). Councillor Viv Kendrick will also be in attendance. Lunch (sandwiches and wedges) will be available. Please book your ticket here.

The Local Offer Live information event is also taking place at the John Smith’s Stadium and starts at 10. The event has lots of stall holders across all sorts of services and activities so we hope that it will be really helpful for parents of children and young people with SEND in Kirklees.

It’s lovely to be able to meet up in person again, and we really hope to see you there. We will also have Maxcards available for sale.

Regards The PCAN Team

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