PCAN’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday 14th November 10 am – 1.45 pm at Cathedral House (the Acacia Room), St Thomas’s Road, Huddersfield HD1 3LG. We have guest speakers and a number of guest organisations to provide advice and information, plus lunch!
The Agenda is as follows:
10 am Arrival and refreshments
10.15 PCAN AGM:
Trustees Report
Financial Report
Any other Business
11.00 Post 16 Passenger Transport – proposed changes
11.15 Our Voice (Young people’s voice programme)
11.30 Networking and discussion with guests
(Carers Count, KIAS, Post 16 Passenger Transport, Our Voice, Kirklees Local Offer)
12.00 Speaker Jo-Anne Sanders with an update on all things
12.20 Lunch and chance to chat with Jo-Anne and other speakers
13.45 Close
Lunch is provided.
To book a place, please click here:
We are looking for new Trustees and volunteers:
Being a Trustee is not too onerous – you would need to attend around 4 meetings per year to help decide PCAN’s activities, monitor our progress and make decisions about how we spend our funding. If you are interested, please email info@pcankirklees.org and we will get back to you.
Volunteers are really helpful to our families: you can volunteer at events, doing meet and greet, assisting with refreshments, helping people find information, support use with publicity/social media/newsletters – all sort of things! Again please email us at info@pcankirklees.org and we will get back to you.
Looking forward to seeing you there!