PCAN Big Meet Up and AGM Monday 16th November

Join Us

from your sofa for this year’s Big Meet Up and PCAN AGM

taking place on Monday 16th November at 9.30 am via Zoom

What’s on

Introduction by Mel Meggs, Director of Children’s Services in Kirklees
PCAN AGM Business and roundup of activities
Behaviour project update
Early Support/Help for Families  Update
New Local Offer Demonstration (your input needed)
CAMHS update
Group Discussion

(We will have speakers from Children’s Social Care, Commissioners for Children’s Services and CAMHS and the new Local Offer Team)

How to Join

Due to continuing Covid restrictions, this meeting will be held via Zoom which you can access from your phone, tablet, PC or laptop.

Please register for the meeting.   Once you have done that, you will receive an email which will contains the link you need to click to enter the meeting on the day.  If you have any questions you would like to pose before the meeting on any of the topics above, please email us at info@pcankirklees.org  We will look at these questions before the meeting and advise the speakers to see if they can cover your topic in their presentation.  If not, they will answer the questions on the day if time, or follow up with you afterwards.

If you are new to Zoom, not confident with IT stuff  or unsure of how Zoom works, take a look at the YouTube video below – it’s a bit long but the very friendly guy on the video will tell you how to download the app, join a meeting etc .  Alternatively please give us a call on 07754102336 and we can help.

How to use Zoom video

Become a PCAN Trustee or volunteer

We are always looking for people to help our with the work that PCAN does.  That could be supporting us with social media, helping to create newsletters and other promotional information, doing some admin, delivering training to Kirklees professionals, helping with the website or getting involved in the running of the Group.  If you would like to get involved, we would love to hear from you so please contact us on 07754102336, or email us at info@pcankirklees.org.  

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