PCAN Big Meet Up and AGM Monday 20th November 10 to 2 pm, Textile Centre Huddersfield

You are invited to our Big Meet Up on Monday 20th November at the Textile Centre, Red Doles Lane, Huddersfield HD2 1YF 10am to 2 pm

The PCAN Big Meet Up is a chance to meet other parents, have a lovely lunch, find out what’s been going on in Kirklees and at PCAN over the last 12 months and also find out what’s new. Tom Brailsford, Head of Joint Commissioning (Children) for Kirklees and North Kirklees CCG will be coming to talk to us about the changes at CAMHS following our input into the consultation last year. We will also have updates on the Local Offer, current consultations in Kirklees for you to get involved in, and any progress on engagement work have already carried out that you may have been involved in.

Our Annual General Meeting will take place at the event.  We will be proposing some changes to the structure and management of PCAN so need your views and votes please.

If you are interested in being a Trustee at PCAN or would like to help out at events, please get in touch with us before the event on 07754102336. We are looking for Trustees to help steer the work at PCAN, or volunteers who like meeting and chatting to people to help out at events.  We would also like to hear from anyone who has experience with charity accounts.

Please make sure you list your dietary requirements when booking. A voluntary donation towards the cost of the food would be welcome on the day (£3).

Lunch is provided so please book a place here

Look forward to seeing you,


The PCAN Team



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